Bradford S. Barrett, PhD

Independent Scholar
AMS CCM# 758
Raleigh, NC

Professional Experience

2007:  Ph. D., meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
2004:  M.S., meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
2001:  B. S. summa cum laude, Business Administration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Research Interests
My current interests center on understanding and predicting variability of the atmosphere, cryosphere, and ocean across a variety of time and spatial scales, with particular emphases on the subseasonal scale and teleconnections from the tropics to high latitudes. To study those phenomena, I analyze output from numerical weather and climate prediction prediction models, satellite observations, latest-generation gridded reanalyses, and instrument measurements to draw novel conclusions from resulting patterns. I use cutting-edge coding and computing techniques to position myself and my teammates at the forefront of our science. I achieve that goal by applying advanced statistical and data science techniques, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, to a combination of observations (including air chemistry and atmospheric and ocean reanalyses), theory and model output. If you are interested in contracting with me, please contact me at bsbarret at

External funded research
14. 2021-2024 NSF CLD 2048756, co-PI with V. Gensini (Northern Illinois Univ): $474,682, "Collaborative Research: Advancing our understanding of intraseasonal U.S. severe convective storm variability"
13. 2019-2021 ONR N0001419WX01782 and N0001420WX01821, co-I with PI W. Traves, S. Peart, and S. Crawford (USNA): $302,000, "FY20 Laboratory Project: Data Science at USNA"
12. 2019-2020 FONDECYT MEC80180038, co-PI with J. Marín (University of Valparaiso): $11,692, "Estudio climático y de casos de eventos de precipitación extrema en el Norte de Chile (Climate and extreme precipitation events in the north of Chile)"
11. 2018-2021 NSF OPP 1821915, co-PI with G. Henderson and I. Simpson (NCAR): $152,269, "Connecting Antarctica to the tropics: understanding and predicting intraseasonal bridges to the Southern Hemisphere atmosphere and cryosphere"
10. 2018-2020 SERDP RC18-1658, co-PI with G. Henderson and T. Mote (Univ of Georgia): $342,800, "Impacts on high-latitude DoD infrastructure and operations from melt events driven by large-scale low-frequency atmospheric circulations"
9. 2017-2020 PAPIIT IN114417, co-PI with R. Romero (UNAM) and P. Ordóñez (UNAM): $24,724, "Influencia de la Oscilación Madden-Julian sobre la precipitación de verano en México (Influence of the MJO on summer precipitation in Mexico)"
8. 2016-2018 ONR N0001416WX01752, co-PI with P. Ray (Florida Tech): $302,452, "Exploring the role of topography and land-sea contrast on the Propagation of the MJO across the Maritime Continent (PISTON)"
7. 2016-2018 NASA NNX16AH61G, PI with Co-Is E. Sanabia and A. Davies: $93,108, "Intraseasonal variability of the ocean: impacts of the MJO on the California Current, Gulf Stream, and Loop Current"
6. 2015-2016 Department of State, $33,500: "Exploring variability of precipitation and air quality in Mexico"
5. 2013-2016 NSF AGS-1240143, Sole PI: $62,358, "Climatic Controls on Severe Weather in the United States: Modulation by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)"
4. 2013-2016 ONR N1414WX20295, Co-PI with PI E. Sanabia: $150,000, "From Ocean to Outflow: Understanding Tropical Cyclone Circulation and Intensification"
3. 2012-2013 ONR N1413WX20989, Co-I with PI E. Sanabia: $65,000, "Training and Research on Processes In tropical Cyclones (TROPIC)"
2. 2012-2015 NSF ARC-1203843, Lead PI, with co-PI G. Henderson: $106,379, "Quantifying and Predicting the Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the State of the Arctic"
1. 2011-2012 ONR N1412WX21452, Co-I with PI E. Sanabia: $45,000, "Training and Research on Processes In tropical Cyclones (TROPIC)"

Service, Outreach, and Forecasting

Significant service (Institution, Professional Society) (2009-present):
Senior Academic Adviser (USNA) (Oceanography advising guidance)
• Volgenau Project-based learning Fund Manager (USNA)
Plebe and major adviser (USNA)
• Chair, Faculty Senate Cultural Affairs Subcommittee (USNA)
• UCAR Membership Committee (UCAR)
• Chair, AMS Committee of Judges for Undergraduate Awards (AMS)
• Co-chair, 2nd Symposium on the Prediction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (AMS)

USNA STEM Center: Distinguished Associate (2010-present)
      • Led over 1000 middle- and high-school students in multidisciplinary learning module ("Weathering the Wind") to teach about the hazards posed by strong winds.
      • Also trained undergraduate students and faculty colleagues to deliver the Weathering the Wind learning module.
      • Traveled to over 15 schools across the U.S. (Michigan, Iowa, South Dakota, Oklahoma) to lead students and teachers in hands-on, interactive learning activities about a range of STEM topics.

USNA Weather Team: (2009-2021)
    • Help discuss important high-impact weather events (winter storms, floods, hurricanes, convective storms) with midshipmen student forecasters, colleagues, and USNA leadership.
    • Co-lead midshipmen forecast groups to create and deliver timely short-term weather forecasts.

Courses taught: (caution: some links may no longer be updated)

U. S. Naval Academy, Oceanography Department
  SO244: Basic Atmospheric Processes
  SO254: Introduction to Meteorology
  SO335: Quantitative Methods for Meteorology and Oceanography
  SO414: Oceanic and Atmospheric Processes
  SO441: Synoptic Meteorology
  SO442: Tropical Meteorology
  SO513: Honors Oceanic and Atmospheric Processes
  SO470C: Meteorology Capstone

Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, UNAM
  CCA UNAM: Meteorología Sinóptica

University of Graz, Department of Geophysics
  Severe and Unusual Weather and Climate Extremes
  Introductory Meteorology

University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology
  Severe and Unusual Weather
  Introduction to Meteorology

Educational enrichment activities led:
  Severe Weather In-Field Training (SWIFT), 2010-2019   (2019 application here)

  Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC), Chile 2010, Chile and Ecuador 2012, Chile 2015, Chile and Brazil 2017, and Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore 2018   (2021 application here)


Papers in peer-reviewed journals   *Student co-author

68. Barrett, B. S., A. R. Davies, C. P. Spedero, J. P. Smith, M. Masud-Ul-Alam, N. Mahmud, H. Biswas, and M. K. Ahmed, 2024: Subseasonal variability of surface ocean currents in the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Earth System Science, in review.

67. Henderson, G. R., S. Hottovy, and B. S. Barrett, 2024: MJO representation in the Community Earth System Model 2 Large Ensemble: detection, seasonality and amplitude. Climate Dynamics, in review.

66. Bozkurt, D., J. C. Marin, C. Verdugo*, and B. S. Barrett, 2024: Atmospheric blocking and temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula. Science of the Total Environment, 931, 172852,

65. Marin, J. C., F. Gutiérrez*, V. A. Gensini, B. S Barrett, M. Jaques-Coper, D. Pozo, and D. Veloso*, 2024: Environmental aspects of notable tornado events in Chile. Journal of Climate,

64. Morales, A., M. J. Molina, J. S. Trujillo-Falcón, K. M. Nuñez Ocasio, A. L. Lang, E. Murillo, C. Bieri, B. S. Barrett, L. B. Avilés, and S. J. Camargo, 2023: Commitment to active allyship is required to address the lack of hispanic and Latinx representation in the Earth and atmospheric sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104, E1290-E1313,

63. Bozkurt, D., J. C. Marín, and B. S. Barrett, 2022: Temperature and moisture transport during atmospheric blocking patterns around the Antarctic Peninsula. Weather and Climate Extremes, 38, 100506,

62. Miller, D., V. Gensini, and B. S. Barrett, 2022: Madden-Julian Oscillation influences on United States springtime tornado and hail frequency. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, , 37,

61. Zhao, X., P. Ray, B. S. Barret, and P.-C. Hsu, 2022: Systematic improvement in simulated latent and sensible heat fluxes over tropical oceans in AMIP6 models compared to AMIP5 models with the same resolutions. Atmospheric Research, 274, 106214,

60. Peart, S., B. S. Barrett, and S. Crawford, 2022: Content-based instruction in a Spanish language classroom: climate, identity, and historic patterns of Latin American migration to the United States. Sustainability Literacy through Foreign Language Education: Content-Based Instruction in College-level Courses, M. J. de la Fuente, Ed., Routledge, 256pp.

59. Masud-Ul-Alam, Md, Md. A. Khan, and B. S. Barrett, 2022: Surface temperature and salinity in the northern Bay of Bengal: in-situ measurements compared with satellite observations and model output. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 16, 018502,

58. Diaz Esteban, Y., B. S. Barrett, and G. Raga, 2022: Circulation patterns influencing concentration of pollutants in central Mexico. Atmospheric Environment, 274, 118976,

57. Masud-Ul-Alam, Md, Md. A. Khan, B. S. Barrett, S. Rivero-Calle, Md R. Golder, and M. A. Rouf, 2022: Spatial variation of the winter thermal inversion in the northern Bay of Bengal. Regional Studies in Marine Sciences, 53, 102417,

56. Marín, J., D. Bozkurt, and B. S. Barrett, 2022: Atmospheric blocking trends and seasonality around the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Climate, 35, 3803–3818,

55. Henderson, G. R., B. S. Barrett, L. J. Wachowicz*, K. S. Mattingly, J. R. Preece*, and T. L. Mote, 2021: Local and remote atmospheric circulation drivers of Arctic change: a review. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 1-24,

54. Perdigón-Morales, J.*, R. Romero-Centeno, P. Ordoñéz, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno, and B.S. Barrett, 2021: Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on moisture transport by the Caribbean low level jet during the midsummer drought in Mexico. Atmospheric Research, 248, 105243,

53. Marín, J., B. S. Barrett, and D. Pozo, 2021: The tornadoes of 30-31 May 2019 in south-central Chile: Sensitivity to topography and SST. Atmospheric Research, 249, 105301,

52. Wachowicz, L.*, J. Preece*, T. Mote, B. S. Barrett, G. R. Henderson, 2021: Historical trends of seasonal Greenland blocking under different blocking metrics. International Journal of Climatology, 41, E3263-E3278,

51. Barrett, B. S., C. R. Densmore*, P. Ray, and E. R. Sanabia, 2021: Active and weakening MJO events in the Maritime Continent. Climate Dynamics, 57, 157–172,

50. Tan, H.*, P. Ray, B. S. Barrett, J. Dudhia, and M. Moncrieff, 2021: Systematic patterns in land precipitation over the Maritime Continent due to land-sea contrast during MJO propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033465,

49. Ray, P., H. Tan*, M. Tewari, J. Brownlee, R. S. Ajayamohan, and B. S. Barrett, 2021: Role of advection on near-surface temperature and wind in urban-aware simulations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 60, 201–221,

48. Farfán, L., B. S. Barrett, G. Raga, and J. Delgado, 2021: Characteristics of mesoscale convection over northwestern Mexico, the Gulf of California, and Baja California peninsula. International Journal of Climatology, 41, E1062-E1084,

47. Barrett, B. S., G. Henderson, E. McDonnell*, M. Henry*, and T. Mote, 2020: Extreme Greenland blocking and high-latitude moisture transport. Atmospheric Science Letters, 21, e1002,

46. Barrett, B. S., J. Marín, and M. Jacques-Coper, 2020: A multiscale analysis of the tornadoes of 30-31 May 2019 in south-central Chile. Atmospheric Research, 236, 104811,

45. Gensini, V., B. S. Barrett, J. T. Allen, D. A. Gold, and P. Sirvatka, 2020: The Extended-Range Tornado Activity Forecast (ERTAF) project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, E700-E709,

44. Peart, S. M., B. S. Barrett, and S. Crawford, 2020: Curricular innovations: teaching a multidisciplinary module on climate-driven migration in an advanced Spanish course. Nebrija Journal of Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching, 14(28), 113-131,

43. Zhou, X.*, P. Ray, B. S. Barrett, and P.-C. Hsu, 2020: Understanding the bias in surface latent and sensible heat fluxes in contemporary AGCMs over tropical oceans. Climate Dynamics 55, 2957-2978,

42. Tan, H.*, P. Ray, B. S. Barrett, M. Tewari, and M. W. Moncrieff, 2020: Role of topography on the MJO in the Maritime Continent: a numerical case study. Climate Dynamics, 55, 294-314,

41. Zhou, X.*, P. Ray, K. Boykin, B. S. Barrett, and P.-C. Hsu, 2019: Evaluation of surface radiative fluxes over the tropical oceans in AMIP simulations. Atmosphere, 10, 606,

40. Brooks, H. E., C. A. Doswell III, X. Zhang, A. Chernokulsky, E. Tochimoto, B. Hanstrum, E. de Lima Nascimento, D. M. L. Sills, B. Antonescu, and B. S. Barrett, 2019: A century of progress in severe convective storm research and forecasting. Meteorological Monographs, 59, 18.1-18.41,

39. Gensini, V. G., D. Gold, J. T. Allen, and B. S. Barrett, 2019: Extended U.S. tornado outbreak during late May 2019: A forecast of opportunity. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 10150-10158,

38. Peart, S., S. Crawford, and B. S. Barrett, 2019: What do migration and meteorology have to do with Latin American studies? Bridges across disciplines at the United States Naval Academy. Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 3, 1-14,

37. Barrett, B. S., G. B. Raga, A. Retama, and C. Leonard*, 2019: A multiscale analysis of the tropospheric and stratospheric mechanisms leading to the March 2016 extreme surface ozone event of March 2016 in Mexico City. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 124, 4782-4799.

36. Barrett, B. S., 2019: Connections between the MJO and surface temperatures in winter 2018 over eastern North America. Atmospheric Science Letters, 20, e869,

35. Densmore, C. R.*, E. R. Sanabia, and B. S. Barrett, 2019: QBO influence on MJO amplitude over the Maritime Continent: Physical mechanisms and seasonality. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 389-406,

34. Perdigón-Morales, J.*, R. Romero-Centeno, B. S. Barrett, and P. Ordóñez Pérez, 2019: Intraseasonal variability of summer precipitation in Mexico: MJO influence on the bimodal rainfall pattern. Journal of Climate, 32, 2313-2327,

33. Henderson, G. H., B. S. Barrett, A. Lois*, and H. Elsaawy*, 2018: Time-lagged response of the Antarctic atmosphere to tropical MJO convection. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 1219-1231,

32. Perdigón-Morales, J.*, R. Romero-Centeno, P. Ordóñez Pérez, and B. S. Barrett, 2018: The midsummer drought in Mexico: perspectives on duration and intensity from the CHIRPS precipitation database. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 2174-2186,

31. Barrett, B. S., A. R. Davies, and J. I. Rose*, 2017: Wind-driven response of the upper ocean along the U.S. west coast to tropical MJO convection. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 122, 8196-8207,

30. Barrett, B. S., and S. Hameed, 2017: Seasonal variability in precipitation in central and southern Chile: modulation by the South Pacific High. Journal of Climate, 30, 55-69,

29. Doyle, J. D., J. Moskaitis, J. Feldmeier, R. Ferek, M. Beaubien, M. Bell, D. Cecil, R. Creasey, P. Duran, R. Elsberry, W. Komaromi, J. Molinari, D. Ryglicki, D. Stern, C. Velden, X. Wang, T. Allen, B. S. Barrett, P. Black, J. Dunion, K. Emanuel, P. Harr, L. Harrison, E. Hendricks, D. Herndon, W. Jeffries, S. Majumdar, J. Moore, Z. Pu, R. Rogers, E. Sanabia, G. Tripoli, and D.-L. Zhang, 2017: A view of tropical cyclones from above: the Tropical Cyclone Intensity (TCI) experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 2113-2134,

28. Marin, J. C., and B. S. Barrett, 2017: Seasonal and intraseasonal variability of precipitable water vapor in the Chajnantor plateau, Chile. International Journal of Climatology, 37, 958-971,

27. Barrett, B. S., L. M. Farfán, G. B. Raga, and D. H. Hernández*, 2017: The unusual early morning tornado in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico of 25 May 2015. Monthly Weather Review, 145, 2049-2069,

26. Henderson, G. R., B. S. Barrett, and K. L. South*, 2017: Eurasian October snow water equivalent: using self-organizing maps to characterize variability and identify relationships to the MJO. International Journal of Climatology, 37, 596-606,

25. Barrett, B. S., and G. B. Raga, 2016: Variability of winter and summer surface ozone in Mexico City on the intraseasonal time scale. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 15359-15370,

24. Barrett, B. S., D. Campos, J. Vicencio, and R. Rondanelli, 2016: Extreme temperature and precipitation events in March 2015 in central and northern Chile. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 121, 4563-4580,

23. Barrett, B. S., E. Sanabia, S. Reynolds*, J. Stapleton*, and A. Borrego*, 2016: Evolution of the upper-tropospheric outflow in Hurricanes Iselle and Julio (2014) in the Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) analyses and in satellite and dropsonde observations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 121, 13273-13286,

22. Barrett, B. S., G. R. Henderson, and J. S. Werling*, 2015: The influence of MJO on the intraseasonal variability of Northern Hemisphere spring snow depth. Journal of Climate, 28, 7250-7262,

21. Sanabia, E. R., B. S. Barrett, N. P. Celone*, and Z. D. Cornelius*, 2015: Satellite and aircraft observations of the eyewall replacement cycle of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008). Monthly Weather Review, 143, 3406-3420,

20. LaFleur, D. M.*, B. S. Barrett, and G. R. Henderson, 2015: Some climatological aspects of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Journal of Climate, 28, 6039-6053,

19. Barrett, B. S., and B. N. Henley*, 2015: Intraseasonal variability of hail in the contiguous United States: relationship to the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Monthly Weather Review, 143, 1086-1103,

18. Henderson, G. R., B. S. Barrett, and D. M. LaFleur*, 2014: Arctic sea ice and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Climate Dynamics, 43, 2185-2196,

17. Sanabia, E. R., B. S. Barrett, and C. M. Fine*, 2014: Relationships between tropical cyclone intensity and eyewall structure as determined by radial profiles of inner-core infrared brightness temperature. Monthly Weather Review, 142, 4581-4599,

16. Barrett, B. S., W. A. Swick, and D. E. Smith, Jr., 2014: Assessing an undergraduate oceanography curriculum. Oceanography, 27, 12-16,

15. Peart, S., and B. S. Barrett, 2014: Impacts of gender on Spanish language reading in the foreign language classroom. Diálogo de la Lengua, 5, 14-32, ISSN:1989-1334.

14. Barrett, B. S., A. L. Moran, and J. E. Woods, 2014: Meteorology meets engineering: an interdisciplinary module for middle- and early secondary-school students. International Journal of STEM Education, 1(6),

13. Barrett, B. S., and V. Gensini, 2013: Modulation of daily U.S. April-May tornado frequency by the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2790-2795,

12. Barrett, B. S., and M. I. Esquivel, 2013: Variability of precipitation and temperature in Guanajuato, Mexico. Atmósfera, 26, 521-536,

11. Sanabia, E. R., B. S. Barrett, P. G. Black, S. Chen, and J. A. Cummings, 2013: Real-time upper-ocean temperature observations from aircraft during operational hurricane reconnaissance missions: AXBT Demonstration Project year one results. Weather and Forecasting, 28, 1404-1422,

10. Ragsdale, K. M.*, B. S. Barrett, and A. P. Testino*, 2013: Variability of particulate matter (PM10) in Santiago, Chile by phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Atmospheric Environment, 81, 304-310,

9. Barrett, B. S., S. J. Fitzmaurice*, and S. R. Pritchard*, 2012: Intraseasonal variability of surface ozone in Santiago, Chile: modulation by phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Atmospheric Environment, 55, 55-62,

8. Barrett, B. S., and J. E. Woods, 2012: Using the amazing atmosphere to foster student learning and interest in meteorology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, 315-323,

7. Barrett, B. S., J. F. Carrasco, and A. P. Testino*, 2012: Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) modulation of atmospheric circulation and Chilean winter precipitation. Journal of Climate, 25, 1678-1688,

6. Barrett, B. S., D. B. Krieger*, and C. P. Barlow*, 2011: Multi-day circulation and precipitation climatology during winter rain events of differing intensities in central Chile. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12, 1071-1085,

5. Godfrey, C. M., B. S. Barrett, and E. S. Godfrey, 2011: Severe Weather Field Experience: An undergraduate field course on career enhancement and severe convective storms. Journal of Geoscience Education, 59, 111-118,

2010 and earlier
4. Barrett, B. S., R. Garreaud, and M. Falvey, 2009: Effect of the Andes cordillera on precipitation from a midlatitude cold front. Monthly Weather Review, 137, 3092-3109,

3. Barrett, B. S., and L. M. Leslie, 2009: Links between tropical cyclone activity and Madden-Julian Oscillation phase in the North Atlantic and Northeast Pacific basins. Monthly Weather Review, 137, 727-744,

2. Wyant, M. C., Wood, R., Bretherton, C. S., Mechoso, C. R., Bacmeister, J., Balmaseda, M. A., Barrett, B., Codron, F., Earnshaw, P., Fast, J., Hannay, C., Kaiser, J. W., Kitagawa, H., Klein, S. A., Kvhler, M., Manganello, J., Pan, H.-L., Sun, F., Wang, S., and Wang, Y., 2009: The PreVOCA experiment: modeling the lower troposphere in the Southeast Pacific. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 4757-4774,

1. Barrett, B. S., L. M. Leslie, and B. Fiedler, 2006: An example of the value of strong climatological signals in tropical cyclone track forecasting: Hurricane Ivan (2004). Monthly Weather Review, 134, 1568-1577,

Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings     (only 1st-author papers listed)
Barrett, B.S., G. R. Henderson, and T. Mote, 2021: Extreme Greenland blocking and moisture transport under Arctic amplification: historical and future perspectives. 101st AMS Annual Meeting, 9B.10.

Barrett, B.S., G. R. Henderson, and T. Mote, 2020: Extreme Greenland blocking and moisture transport: historical and future perspectives. AGU Fall Meeting, A228-0004.

Barrett, B.S., and G. R. Henderson, 2020: The past and future of flow blocking around Greenland: connections between extremes. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, CL4.11-3025. (not given due to COVID)

Barrett, B. S., J. Marin, and M. Jaques-Coper, 2020: The unusual tornadoes in Chile in May 2019: forecasting challenges from the synoptic, mesoscale, and subseasonal scales. 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2A.2A.

Barrett, B. S., G. R. Henderson, I. Simpson, C. Jackson, and A. Bess, 2020: Connecting Antarctica to the tropics: understanding and predicting subseasonal bridges to the Southern Hemisphere atmosphere and cryosphere. 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2.2.

Barrett, B. S., P. Ray, and J. Marin, 2019: The Active MJO of 2019: Propagation from the Indian Ocean to the Western Pacific and Consequences for Subseasonal Prediction of Mid-latitude Extreme Weather Events. AGU Fall Meeting, A41P-2870.

Barrett, B. S., and G. R. Henderson, 2019: Teleconnections between the tropics and the middle and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere on the subseasonal time scale. EMS Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, UP3.2.

Barrett, B. S., and S. Peart, 2019: Examining the multi-disciplinary interactions between migration, foreign language education, and climate shock events in Mexico. Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) meeting, P45.

Barrett, B. S, S. Peart, and S. Crawford, 2019: Climate shocks and migration: views from central Mexico. NC Conference on Latin American Studies, Chapel Hill, NC, Panel 14.

Barrett, B. S., A. R. Davies, and K. Martin, 2019: Intraseasonal variability of the Gulf Stream current: physical mechanisms and connections to atmospheric forcing. 99th AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, J5.5AA.

Barrett, B. S., G. R. Henderson, M. Henry, and E. McDonnell, 2018: Impacts on high-latitude DoD infrastructure and operations from melt events driven by large-scale low-frequency atmospheric circulations. SERDP Symposium, Washington, D.C.

Barrett, B. S., C. R. Densmore, P. Ray, and E. R. Sanabia, 2018: Physical mechanisms associated with propagation of the MJO and the BSISO. 33rd Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Met., Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, 12A.2.

Barrett, B. S., 2018: Atmospheric teleconnections: linking the tropics with the Southern Hemisphere extratropics. 42nd SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Sectional Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, MS-6.

Barrett, B. S., S. Peart, and S. Crawford, 2018: Climate and migration: fostering research with undergraduate students. 38th MACLAS Annual Conference, Muhlenberg College, PA, Panel 3.

Barrett, B. S., 2018: Exploring the tropical drivers of the Antarctic atmosphere. AMOS-ICSHMO 2018, Sydney, AUS, Session 2.5.

Barrett, B. S., C. R. Densmore, P. Ray, and E. R. Sanabia, 2018: Physical mechanisms associated with the propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO). 98th AMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, 1.3.

Barrett, B. S., A. R. Davies, and C. N. Steppe, 2017: Intraseasonal variability of upper-ocean currents and photosynthetic primary production along the U.S. west coast associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, A41B-2263.

Barrett, B. S., and G. R. Henderson, 2017: Tropical drivers of the Antarctic atmosphere. 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, Boulder, CO, Session 2.

Barrett, B. S., and G. R. Henderson, 2017: Variabilidad intraestacional de la atmósfera de las latitudes medias-altas y su relación a la oscilación de Madden-Julian (in Spanish), V Congreso de Oceanografia Fisica, Meteorologia y Clima, Concepcion, Chile, Session 3.

Barrett, B. S., A. R. Davies, J. I. Rose, and E. R. Sanabia, 2017: Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) modulation of surface ocean currents off the U.S. west coast. 29th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Seattle, WA, 1145.

Barrett, B. S., C. R. Densmore, and P. Ray, 2016: More on the propagation of the MJO across the Maritime Continent. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, OS21B-1966.

Barrett, B. S., and C. R. Densmore, 2016: Propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation through the Maritime Continent and MJO relationship to U.S. severe weather activity. Subseasonal-to-seasonal meeting, Palisades, NY, 21.

Barrett, B. S., 2016: More on the subseasonal variability of U.S. severe weather activity. 28th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Portland, OR, 2.6.

Barrett, B. S., and G. B. Raga, 2016: Subseasonal variability of surface ozone in the Mexico City. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Science Conference, Breckenridge, CO, 6.214.

Barrett, B. S., and G. B. Raga, 2016: Pollution in the tropics: multi-scale variability in 30 years of ozone and carbon monoxide observations across Mexico City. 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Juan, PR, 18B.1.

Barrett, B. S., and V. Gensini, 2016: Subseasonal variability of U.S. severe weather: what we know and what we don't. 2016 Severe Convection and Climate Workshop, Columbia University, New York, NY.

Barrett, B. S., 2015: Links Between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Severe Convective Storms in the U.S. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA A41F-0127.

Barrett, B. S., and S. Hameed, 2015: Interannual variations of Chilean precipitation and the South Pacific High. International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography (ICSHMO), Santiago, Chile, 58.

Barrett, B. S., 2015: Data assimilation challenges: predicting weather and cliamte on intraseasonal time scales. American Mathematical Society, Spring Sectional Meeting, Georgetown, D.C., 1107-86-60.

Barrett, B. S., and G. R. Henderson, 2015: Does Northern Hemisphere terrestrial snow cover vary intra-seasonally? 1st Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference, Helsinki, Finland, Univ. Helsinki.

Barrett, B. S., and G. R. Henderson, 2015: Variability of Northern Hemisphere terrestrial snow: Self-organizing maps and the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 3rd MJO Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J4.5.

Barrett, B. S., A. L. Moran, and J. E. Woods, 2014: Meteorology meets engineering: an interdisciplinary STEM module for middle- and secondary-school students. Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Amer. Geophys. Union, ED51B-3438.

Barrett, B. S., and V. A. Gensini, 2014: Efficiency of severe thunderstorm environments in the U.S. 27th Severe Local Storms Conference, Madison, WI, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 12B.1.

Barrett, B. S., 2014: The Madden-Julian Oscillation and severe convective storm hazards in the U.S. World Weather Open Science Conference 2014, Montreal, Can, SCI-POT1220.

Barrett, B. S., and B. Henley, 2014: Intraseasonal variability of severe hail and wind: connection to the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 2nd MJO Symposium, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J5.2.

Barrett, B. S., 2013: Intraseasonal variability of large-scale meteorological patterns and connection to tornado activity. Analyses, Dynamics, and Modeling of Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Events, Berkeley, CA, U.S. CLIVAR Program, Session 2.

Barrett, B. S., G. Henderson, and M. LaFleur, 2013: Some aspects of the impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the state of the Arctic. 25th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Austin, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 10B.1.

Barrett, B. S., 2012: Climatic controls on severe weather in the U.S.: Modulation by the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 26th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, TN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 11A.3.

Barrett, B. S., 2012: Intraseasonal variability of surface ozone. 17th Conference on Air Pollution Meteorology, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 3.1.

Barrett, B. S., 2011: Projecting the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) modulation of atmospheric circulation onto Chilean winter precipitation. 14th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Los Angeles, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 10.2.

Barrett, B. S., and S. J. Fitzmaurice, 2011: Explaining changes in ozone and pollutant concentrations in Santiago, Chile on the 30-60-day timescale using the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 2011 National Air Quality Conferences, San Diego, CA, P3.

Barrett, B. S., D. B. Krieger, and C. P. Barlow, 2010: Multi-day observational climatology for precipitation in central Chile. 14th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Olympic Lake, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P1.16.

Barrett, B. S., 2009: Impact of the Andes Cordillera on a mid-latitude cold front. 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, UT, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 11.5.

Barrett, B. S., and R. Garreaud, 2008: Effects of the central Andes Cordillera on precipitation in Chile and Argentina. 4th Alexander von Humboldt Conference - The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences. European Geophysical Union, Santiago, Chile, Nov 2008.

Barrett, B. S., and L. M. Leslie, 2008: Relationships between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Atlantic-East Pacific tropical cyclone activity. Tropical Meteorology Special Symposium, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., JP3.10.

Barrett, B. S., 2006: Relationship between sea-surface temperature anomalies and precipitation across Turkey, 1st International Conference on Climate Change and the Middle East: Past, Present, and Future, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Barrett, B. S., L. M. Leslie, and B. H. Fiedler, 2006: Examples of the value of strong climatological signals in tropical cyclone track forecasting. Preprints, 22nd International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. 5.5.

Barrett, B. S., and L. M. Leslie, 2005: An examination of the quality of the Atlantic tropical cyclone database. Preprints, 16th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, San Diego, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. 1.30.

Barrett, B. S., and L. M. Leslie, 2004: Tropical cyclone forecasting using climatology and NWP output. 26th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc. 5C.3.

Barrett, B. S., L. M. Leslie, and C.-S. Liou, 2004: Relationship between climatology and model track, bearing, and speed errors. Preprints, 20th Conf. on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/Sixteenth Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. 13.6.

Barrett, B. S., and L. M. Leslie, 2003: Improving landfall forecasts for tropical cyclones moving parallel to the coastline. 12th Conf. on Interactions of Sea and Atmosphere, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 8.2.

Research by my undergraduate students at USNA:  

Zimmerman, M., 2021: Connecting Antarctica to the tropics: understanding the Antarctic cryosphere via the Madden Julian Oscillation. Bowman research project, jointly advised with G. Henderson and M. Lafleur. Presented at the 101st AMS Annual Meeting (virtual), Paper 139.

Bradley, T., 2021: Quantifying the impact of moisture transport during extreme blocking events in the North Atlantic. Honors research project, jointly advised with G. Henderson. Presented at the 101st AMS Annual Meeting (virtual), Paper 138.

Spedero, C., 2021: Subseasonal variability of surface ocean currents in the Bay of Bengal. Honors research project, jointly advised with A. Davies and J. Smith. Presented at the 101st AMS Annual Meeting (virtual), Paper 33.

Baker, L., 2021: Exploring links between climate shocks and migration. Math Honors research project, advised with S. Hottovy and S. Peart. Presented at the 23rd Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (virtual), Poster session.

Bess, A., 2020: Investigating variability of Antarctic sea ice on subseasonal to seasonal time scales. Bowman research project, jointly advised with G. Henderson. Presented at the 100th AMS Annual Meeting in Boston, Paper S192.

Cartwright, N., 2020: Extreme blocking in the North Atlantic Arctic in future climates. Honors research project, jointly advised with G. Henderson. Presented at the 100th AMS Annual Meeting in Boston, Paper S193.

Jackson, C., 2020: Examining the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Climate Models. Honors research project, jointly advised with G. Henderson. Presented at the 100th AMS Annual Meeting in Boston: Paper S194A.

Ye, Y., 2020: Building coastal community resilience through STEM education and engagement, Honors research project (Cyber Science major). Presented at the 100th AMS Annual Meeting in Boston, Paper S91.

Martin, K. V., 2019: Intraseasonal variability of the Gulf Stream current: Physical mechanisms and connections to atmospheric forcing, Honors research project. Presented at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Paper S245.

McDonnell, E., and Henry, M., 2019: Quantifying the impact of atmospheric blocking on the mean state of the North Atlantic Sector of the Arctic, Honors research project, jointly advised with G. Henderson. Presented at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Paper S203.

Wan, L., 2019: Annapolis's hurricane history: a study of the sensitivity to storm intensity and approach vector, Independent research project, jointly advised by A. Davies. Presented at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Paper S241.

Densmore, C. R., 2018: Exploring the propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation across the Maritime Continent, Trident Scholar Project, jointly advised with E. Sanabia. Presented at the 98th AMS Annual Meeting in Austin, Paper S190, and the 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology in Jacksonville, Paper 10A.7.

Aguilar, T., 2018: Variability of precipitable water content in the Atacama Desert, Honors research project. Presented at the 98th AMS Annual Meeting in Austin, Paper S38.

Rose, J., 2017: Intraseasonal Variability of the Ocean: Impacts of the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Honors research project (Jointly advised with A. Davies). Presented at the 96th AMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Paper S187.

Leonard, C., 2017: The record-breaking weather of March 2016: synoptic analysis and characteristics, Honors research project.

Brecht, A., 2015: Atmospheric efficiencies for severe weather, Honors research project.

Leslie, H., 2015: The Madden-Julian Oscillation and severe convective storm hazards in the U.S., Independent research project. Presented at the 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Paper S147.

Reynolds, S., 2015: Evolution of the upper-level outflow during hurricanes Iselle and Julio (2014) in the Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) analyses, Independent research project (Jointly advised with E. Sanabia). Presented at the 95th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Paper 691.

South, K., 2015: Relationships between snow depth and the Madden-Julian Oscillation using self-organizing maps, Honors research project (Jointly advised with G. Henderson).

Stapleton, J. and A. Borrego, 2015: Satellite and aircraft observations of upper-level outflow in Hurricanes Iselle and Julio (2014), Independent (Stapleton) and Honors (Borrego) research project (Jointly advised with E. Sanabia). Presented at the 95th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Paper 691.

Werling, J., 2015: Intraseasonal influences on terrestrial snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere, Honors research project (Jointly advised with G. Henderson). Presented at the 95th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Paper S148.

Coughlin, J., 2014: Self-organizing maps and tropical intraseasonal variability, Honors research project (Jointly advised with G. Henderson).

Henley, B., 2014: Hail occurrence: relationship to the intraseasonal oscillation, Honors research project. Presented at the 94th AMS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Paper S6.

Hughes, N., 2014: Atmospheric contaminants in Chile: PM10 and O3, Honors research project.

Kreyenhagen, E., 2014: Intraseasonal influences on terrestrial snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere, Honors research project(Jointly advised with G. Henderson). Presented at the 94th AMS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Paper S87.

LaFleur, D. M., 2014: A climatology of the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Honors research project (Jointly advised with G. Henderson). Presented at the 94th AMS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Paper J4.2 and the 93rd AMS Annual Meeting in Austin, TX, Paper S62.

Fine, C., 2013: Structural changes and convective processes in tropical cyclones as seen in infrared and water vapor satellite data, Trident Scholar Project (jointly advised with E. Sanabia).

Fruin, B., 2013: Intra-seasonal variability of surface ozone in Los Angeles and its relationship to the Madden Julian Oscillation, Honors research project. Presented at the 93rd AMS Annual Meeting in Austin, Paper S79.

Ragsdale, K., 2013: Relationship between particulate matter in the central Chilean Valley and the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Honors research project. Presented at the 93rd AMS Annual Meeting in Austin, Paper S82.

Migut, S., 2012: An casualty analysis of the 2011 Joplin tornado, Independent research project.

Palmer, E., 2012: MJO and El Nino impacts on Chilean precipitation, Independent research project.

Pritchard, S., 2012: Meteorological factors affecting intraseasonal variability of surface ozone concentrations in Santiago, Chile by phase of the MJO, Honors research project. Presented at the 92nd AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Paper S38.

Testino, A., 2012: Predicting air quality through the phasing of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Santiago, Chile, Honors research project. Presented at the 92nd AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Paper S55. 2012 AMS Macelwane Award winner.

Barlow, C., 2011: Investigating wind energy potential in Chile from a synoptic-scale perspective, Honors research project. Presented at the 14th AMS Mountain Meteorology Conference in Lake Tahoe, Paper 1.15. 2011 Rhodes Scholarship winner.

Fitzmaurice, S., 2011: Projecting the Madden-Julian Oscillation onto air quality in Santiago, Chile, Honors research project. Presented at the 2011 National Air Quality Conference in San Diego, Paper P3.

Ashmore, D., 2010: Precipitation variability in Chile as seen by TRMM, Honors research project.

Krieger, D., 2010: Chilean winter precipitation: an exercise in interpolating sparse data onto a national grid, Honors research project. Presented at the 14th AMS Mountain Meteorology Conference in Lake Tahoe, Paper 1.13.