SO 414 - Oceanic and Atmospheric Processes
The material for this course is an ongoing work in progress. I welcome all comments and correction pertaining to
the content below. Please email comments and corrections to:
Lecture Notes
Lesson 3 - Stability
- Ocean stability
- Double diffusion
- Salt fingering explained
Lesson 4 - Fundamental forces
Lesson 5 - Equations of motion
- Lesson 5 - Spherical coordinates
Lesson 6 - Shallow approximation, Scaling of equations of motion
Lesson 7 - Boundary conditions
Lesson 8 - Natural coordinates and balanced flows
Lesson 9 - Taylor-Proudman and thermal wind
Lesson 10 - Turbulence, stress, and Reynolds averaging
Lesson 11 - Friction flows: Ekman, Sverdrup, and Stommel
Lesson 12 - Vorticity and Potential Vorticity
Lesson 13 - Barotropic and Baroclinic instability
Script and function (subroutine) m-files
Style guide: commenting in MATLAB
MATLAB debugging: don't throw the monitor across the room
if statements; for and while loops
Lab 1 - Experimental verification of the parabolic shape of a fluid surface in a rotating tank
Lab 2 - Equation of state of seawater
circle.m root.m rho_not.m bulkmod.m constants.mat
Lab 3 - Stability
rho.m stable_template.m ctd_data
Lab 4 - Geostrophic flow
Pressure field Geostrophic flow m file
Lab 5 - Taylor Proudman demo
Lab 6 - Double Gyre Flow